rmnka447, on 2019-January-17, 21:12, said:
The "trip postponement" is eerily similar to when Kim Jung Un boasted about having a button on his desk and President Trump retorted "I've got a bigger button and mine works."
Is Dennison's bigger button really big like his very big hands? Certainly cancelling Pelosi's trip was probably irritating to Pelosi and others in the delegation, but all in all, no big deal. And it showed the pettiness of Dennison, especially as Melania was flying on Air Force 2 down to Florida for a vacation. Postponing (or even cancelling) the State of the Union message where Dennison was going to take the opportunity to try to savage the Democrats over the wall? Basically the biggest presidential PR event of the year. Who do you think won that round?
rmnka447, on 2019-January-17, 21:12, said:
It also occurs to me that the shutdown is very similar to when the Reps tried to shutdown the government during the Obama administration.
Yes, Republicans love to shut down government and cut services that people need.
rmnka447, on 2019-January-17, 21:12, said:
Now, I won't compare Speaker Pelosi to any of the Reps who sought to shutdown the government. She's either being held hostage by the radical left of the Dem party or has become unhinged with a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Take your pick.
Are you so stupid that you don't know that President Coulter's puppet Dennison agreed on the budget and said he was going to sign and that the Republican majority Senate passed a spending bill by a veto proof majority. And that because President Coulter has said no negotiations, lying Mitch the hypocrite has refused to let the new budget bill (actually almost the same bill passed and approved in the last Congress) come to a vote. I withdraw the question.
rmnka447, on 2019-January-17, 21:12, said:
The funniest moments of this situation was the Dem response to President Trump's speech. Many comments abounded about how Chuck and Nancy looked and spoke like cardboard cut-outs. That was pretty apt. But the best satire of that situation was the person who imposed Chuck and Nancy's faces over Grant Wood's classic painting American Gothic -- perfect!
The Dennison Lie Counting app overheated and broke down because it couldn't keep up with the lies during Dennison's speech. Dennison already said he could declare a national emergency and build the wall without the Democrats. Dennison has said many times that he is already building the wall (and maybe it is almost finished

). If the border is such a serious and immediate problem, isn't
Dennison President Coulter derelict in his job in not declaring a national emergency?
rmnka447, on 2019-January-17, 21:12, said:
The Dem push for opening the government and then negotiating on border security is a con job. Starting with the Reagan administration, the Dems promised to follow up on improved border security and comprehensive immigration reform for amnesty. Then they reneged. Several times since, it's been the same story. Reps know that if they open up the government, the Dems won't negotiate nor compromise on border security. Once burned, twice wise.
Do you get tired of being ignorant? Apparently not.
Dennison could have had 25 billion, not just 5 billion, for his border wall if he had been willing to negotiate in good faith.
rmnka447, on 2019-January-17, 21:12, said:
I think the situation may linger until the new mega-caravan gets to the border. It may be the tipping point to turn public opinion in favor of the "wall".
Wow, your amygdala must be stuck in overdrive. In any case, the only wall that's going up right now is the wall around Dennison to try to insulate himself against felony charges and the Mueller investigation.