deftist, on 2015-December-21, 01:12, said:
Just played this hand on a relaxed game table. I bid 1♥, LHO overcalls 1♠ and partner jumps to 4♥.
I wasn't sure what this means. Had LHO passed, I think this 4♥ raise would have been preemptive (am I correct?), showing about 6-9 HCP. Does this change once LHO overcalled my opening? If so, what range of hands is my partner representing?
It doesn't change because of the overcall. 6-9 HCP is a stronger range than I would expect. Typically it's more like 0-8 HCP (bad 8, not control rich; 2 aces is too strong). It shows 5+ trumps and a singleton or a void somewhere. Enough shape that 4
♥ is on percentage either a make or a good sacrifice against the opponent's contract, a 2-way bid. But not enough high card strength that missing slam is going to be at all frequent, since jumping the auction takes away your own space as well as the opponents.
Either way, should I stop at game or go for a slam? I ended up passing because I thought he didn't have many HCP's and 6♥ would have been too ambitious, but maybe I am wrong because chances are we are going to have a very long heart suit.
It's very easy to pass this; you aren't supposed to have any heart losers, but you have way too many side losers. Partner isn't supposed to show up with spade void and two minor aces, or spade singleton, DA, CAQ. With that strong would have bid 3
♠ over 1
♠ as a splinter, or 2
♠ with other hands strong enough in high cards to cover enough of your losers.