silvr bull, on 2016-May-09, 06:43, said:
Matchpoints. N-S open 12-14 NT, so a 1C or 1D open could preface a 1NT rebid to show a balanced 15-17, or it could be an undefined unbalanced hand.
Post Mortum:
North: South's bid showed weakness because it prevented North from doubling. North was surprised South bid 3D.
My preference is to go with the simplest possible interpretation, namely: I heard your 2NT. Based on that, I think we can make 3D. I don't think 3D shows a sixth diamond or much extra, but I don't think pass is forcing so I think 3D shows more than a pass. I think S has too much for this simple bid.
South: 3D free bid showed extra values and 5 or more Ds. South was surprised North passed.
What's your viewpoint?
N has a good 2NT bid. The diamond K is useful. Actually so is the club K, as it deters an opening club lead from E. This seems like a clear 3NT by N assuming only that the 3D from S is stronger than pass.
So how to get to where?
I think 3S over 3C is right. Reasoning: Partner has values form his 2NT bid, S has a good five card suit, good values and a stiff club. S cannot know exactly what N has or what N will do over 3S but whatever it is it is apt to be right. I imagine N will bid 3NT.
Yes, 6D may well be right but as Helene said it is hard to find it with confidence and, further, it might not be right. With no one showing hearts they may well be 4-4 and it seems E has a lot of clubs. Maybe no spades. His club bid will draw a club lead against 5D (no reason to be there) or 3NT (if played by S) but a double of 6D will suggest the ability to ruff something and probably draw a spade lead. I think I will be fine with 3NT. I realize that with six spades W probably would have bid 2S rather than 1S since he does not seem to have much, so 6D is probably making, but the issue for me is to get to 3NT.