P_Marlowe, on 2016-August-23, 05:59, said:
I agree, if you hit partner with diamond shortage or no wastage in diamond, but why should he have diamond shortage
/ no diamond wastage? Given the auction, what hints do you have?
I can follow the argument to make slam try, but bidding it, as a passed hand?
/ no diamond wastage? Given the auction, what hints do you have?
I can follow the argument to make slam try, but bidding it, as a passed hand?
I did consider bidding 4H, but unknown partner, and I don't even think cuebidding is mandatory if I do bid 4H especially with me being a passed hand. Partner may well have diamond wastage, but even if so you aren't down yet. xxx x KQxx AKxxx is at worst requiring clubs 2-1 and the spade finesse working, plus on a non-spade lead you may get the misdefense of south popping the ace of diamonds (though if the ace was onside, then the spade finesse is almost certainly working anyway) and they might even lead the ace of diamonds gifting the slam at trick 1. The hands I gave in my previous post were all 10 counts that I'm pretty sure most wouldn't overcall on, you can add whatever diamond values you like to them and slam could never be any worse.