IMPs, vul vs not. Opps were playing 15-17 NT. East valued his hand as a minimum 3H raise, while West suggests it's a minimum 2H raise (a maximum being about 18-19 HCPs) and his hand is an invite opposite that.
What would you say were the ranges each player should use in this kind of situation? Advancer is forced to bid (unless holding a bucketload of clubs), so I'm imagining something like
1H = 0-8
2H = 9-12
3H = 13-15 (any more and you might well do something initially)
and doubler raises on something like
pass = 9-13
2H = 14-17
3H = 18-20
4H = 21+
since I don't think it makes any sense to pre-empt as you might do in direct seat (by which I mean after (1x)-X-(p)-1M; (something), doubler can raise with 4-card support even with a minimum).
Obviously when partner isn't forced to bid, you need not be so conservative (I believe there's the "transferred king" principle here, where doubler bids as if he has an extra king, and advancer takes a king away). So after (1C)-p-(p)-X; (2C) advancer would use something like
2H = good 7-11
3H = 12-15
and doubler bids accordingly.
Obviously hand evaluation (particularly honour locations sitting under/over the opener) is much more important than beancounting, but it would be helpful to get a rough idea of what each bid/raise shows here.