Defending 1C "strong or natural"
Posted 2016-October-21, 06:28
a) 15-19 NT
b) Unbalanced with clubs. If holding a four card major, then 16+.
I'm not quite sure if they open 1C with both minors and minimum values, or if they open 1D with that kind of hand. Very often the hand will have either 6+ clubs, or 15-19 NT, or 16+ with clubs.
We do not really need a special defense for this, but it seems that getting in with shapely hands could be a good tactic. They also seem to play that responder almost always respond with a 1D relay, so fourth hand could also use utilize stuff like forcing pass etc over this.
I'm considering if we should treat it as a "forcing strong NT", so overcall with lightish values and shape. Perhaps use Raptor 1NT overcall. Nothing too complicated, since we'll only play them for 10 boards.
Posted 2016-October-21, 08:15
Posted 2016-October-21, 08:43
I think the exclusion of a four card major in the 11--15 range makes it more tempting to act on lightish values. They basically have a Modern Precision 2C opening (6+C) or 15-19 NT or 16+ with clubs. I'm thinking (based on Woolsey's Grunt defence):
Pass: Have no bid. Could be natural, strong NT hand, take-out of clubs unfit for other bid, or a hand too strong to overcall.
Dbl = Both majors
1D = Both minors?
1M = Natural
1NT = 4M and 5+ minor
2m = Natural, usually 6 card suit
2M = Weak
2NT = Minors, weak
And perhaps playing the same way after their relay.
(1C)--(1D) [almost mandatory relay]
Pass = Have no bid
Dbl = Both majors
1M = Natural
1NT = 4M and 5+ minor
2m = Natural
2M = Weak
2NT = Minors, weak
Posted 2016-October-21, 14:54
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-October-21, 18:44
If you want to mess with their 15-19 1♣ openener, you might adopt Kungseten's suggestion (also advocated by Kit Woolsey) -- to employ an extended Raptor 1N overcall (4M and 5 of either m)
Posted 2016-October-26, 06:27
Kungsgeten, on 2016-October-21, 08:43, said:
Pass: Have no bid. Could be natural, strong NT hand, take-out of clubs unfit for other bid, or a hand too strong to overcall.
Dbl = Both majors
1D = Both minors?
1M = Natural
1NT = 4M and 5+ minor
2m = Natural, usually 6 card suit
2M = Weak
2NT = Minors, weak
The 1N overcall is a BSC. (Doesn't matter in Sweden, I know.)
Posted 2016-October-26, 07:34
nullve, on 2016-October-26, 06:27, said:
In which jurisdiction is an artificial 1NT overcall of an artifical opening a BSC?
Posted 2016-October-26, 08:55
Zelandakh, on 2016-October-26, 07:34, said:
Sorry, I was mixing up the WBF Systems Policy (where suit openings must promise 3+ cards in the suit in order to be natural) and the Revised GCC (where 1♣ may be opened on 4432 and still be natural).
Posted 2016-October-26, 09:05
nullve, on 2016-October-26, 08:55, said:
It would not matter in this case - the opening can be any balanced hand within range.
Posted 2016-October-26, 09:19
Zelandakh, on 2016-October-26, 09:05, said:
Also true. I forgot to mention that I was also thinking about the Shanghai "Holo Bolo" incident.
Anyway, the fact that no defence against a 2+ C 1♣ opening can be Brown Sticker opens up a new world for me.

This post has been edited by nullve: 2016-October-26, 11:39
Posted 2016-October-26, 09:21
Zelandakh, on 2016-October-26, 07:34, said:

Posted 2016-October-26, 12:33
nige1, on 2016-October-26, 09:21, said:

LOL what is nonsensical is to equate ACBL regulations with those of any other "locality". It is like dividing by zero.
Posted 2016-October-26, 14:19
Digression: The ACBL has allowed specifically 4=4=3=2 to be opened 1♣ (along with any relevant 3+ club hands) without hitting the "any defence [that is not primarily designed to destroy opponent's methods] to a conventional call" trigger. Not "clubs or balanced." Not "short club". Certain pros are fighting for 1♣ "clubs or balanced" with transfer responses to be GCC (while telling us that "oh, it's easy to defend, just have a meaning for double and 1-level cue". Hmm, I wonder why "there's no defence" to this?) - they haven't yet succeeded (well, the transfer responses anyway). Even they, however, wouldn't claim that it's "natural" (okay, some would. and I'm readying myself for that fight in 5 years. But right *now* they're not).