This weekend I was called as a playing director on this board, where it seemed like the players were visitors from a certain North-London Club.
I don't know the bidding, but West was declarer in 3NT. North led a small club to the J and declarer cashed the ♣K at trick 2, a move she would later regret (South discarded 2 spades). She then led a diamond to the T, won at once by South, who switched to the ♥9. This went to the T and and Norths J. Instead of playing another heart North now switched to a spectacular ♠K! Declarer realised she was in trouble and thought for some time before/after winning the ace. Before declarer played to the next trick South now claimed the last trick for the ♥A, conceding 10 tricks to declarer! I'm guessing part of the reason for the claim was that he was unhappy both with partners spadeswitch and his own second spadediscard. This was not a very good claim for more than one reason, if Dummys clubs had been good South would never get the ♥A, and as it was declarer suffered some shortage of both entries and tricks. Understandably the players now agreed to call a Director. How would you rule?
North/South play standard methods, but low encouraging, as is standard here in Norway. I noticed that several declarers got too many tricks in NT on this board (around a third got 9 tricks), and my guess is that what made the defence tricky for some pairs was that South got no small heart to encourage or lead.