I was South on the above deal and I want to draw your attention to the bidding explanations given.
(Since I do not know how to copy a BBO deal into the forum I have reconstructed the deal, but the explanations and bidding is exactly as shown)
When playing a robot tournament you have to adopt to the system the robots play.
I understand that programming robots to bid well is a tough task.
What I do not understand why explanation for bids are given which are not aligned with what robots bid.
Now I do understand that from time to time you have to fudge a bid, because nothing fits.
However this is not the case here.
I opened the South hand with 2 clubs and after 2 diamonds spades were raised.
Now cue bids started.
I would like to draw your attention to the explanations given for North 5 club and 6 diamond bid.
Why are the explanations in obvious contradictions to what the robots actually do?
How am I supposed to draw inferences from the bidding if the explanations given are nonsense?
Rainer Herrmann