I often think of Mr Verloc in Conrad's "Secret Agent"
"...watching the carving knife fall in a manner leisurely enough for him to form an elaborate defence."
Unfortunately, back in the real world, I once again found the right spot and teetered off the wrong side of the cliff.
These three hands - all makeable on the lead seemed makeable to me at the time but on reflection look pretty hard. One thing that would interest me from the panel: how would you rate these hands compared to the classifications on BBO?
1. The first one nobody made at the time. So, I gave it to the robots to play. Here's the hand with my bidding.
The ♦K is led.
The first time I gave this to the robots they also went down 1. The second time I let them bid it on their own and they made it with a ♦K lead. But they did not choose an optimal line.
Any good thoughts?
2. 'Snatching defeat from the doors of perception'. My next brutal lesson in card play arrived as usual, on Board 12 just when things were looking promising in a 12 board IMPs tournament. I managed to find myself in 6♥.
Half the field found the winning line - I was not one of them. Placing me in the intermediate group again.
Here's how the winners played it. Here's how I played it.
Here is a side by side comparison of the moment when things go wrong.
You can guess what I did next

3. Last but not at least.
Another Heart contract where the advanced players find the winning line and the other half of the field don't.
After the same bidding sequence, we find ourselves in 4♥]N. East leads the ♠10.
I draw trumps drastically narrowing my options until my hopes hang by a thread.
I lead the ♣J hoping for the finesse and I'm doomed.
The advanced players, on the other hand, don't try the finesse.
They ditch the ♣J on the Ace to create two extra ♣ winners.
winners. me.
The deal ♠10 led.
Pilowsky 'The first one nobody made at the time. So, I gave it to the robots to play. Here's the hand with my bidding.'
Summarising the expert comments above ...
A successdul line is ♦A, ♠K, ♣K, ♠ to ♠A (north discarding), ♣A, ♦ ruff, exit with ♣J ...