Non vul vs vuln, you dealer. Your call?
One reason I lose at bridge, another defensive decision I couldn't work out:
I can't remember the bidding, but the opponents were playing an unusual system and ended up in 4♠ (partner was silent) which apparently can go down on best defence. We or I failed to find the best defence.
Partner led the ♦A then switched to the ♣T which went J, Q, K. Declarer led a heart to the ace and played the king. I have to decide whether to ruff high or low. I ruffed low and was surprised to find partner held six hearts when declarer overruffed. I think I blew that one by not ruffing high. One table making 3NT, the second table didn't get past 2♠ so that was 5.5 imps out.
I decided I was a bit too good for a 15-17 NT so decided to open 1♠, planning to bid NT showing an 18 count next time. What do you do now?
Just making for 6.5 imps out. One table found the making 5♣ our way. I'm not sure if I could have done more as South. Is partner's hand worth showing the second suit at the three level?
This was a flat board for us, but I had a comment from partner (this was RealBridge) that I should have done something, like a double. What do you think?
I was quite pleased with the way I played this one, admittedly the defence was sub-optimal. Minus 10 imps for that, we should be in 3NT:
We should be in a cold 4♥, that was 5 imps out. Can't remember if we were playing support doubles, probably not or partner forgot. Maybe I should have repeated my heart suit.
Stone dead last in the end with -19.5 imps, another evening to forget.
I rank
1. 3♦ = TImid but leaves room for 3N by partner. If opponents interfere, intend to bid again.
2. 5♦ = Commital.
3. 4♦ = Baby bear's choice, perhaps.