Posted 2021-August-08, 10:52
However, here are the references that alert you to the possibility of a slam bidding: you must have a total of 17 (which corresponds to the level) or 16 but also having a second fit (which leads to having an additional trick, therefore arriving at 17) to bid the small slam. (This number could still be a little decreased but the slam that would be played would require additional conditions that would make it more "fragile"). For the grand slam 18 (or 17 with at least a 7-card suit on the line). Since there is the possibility of having two losers for the small slam, one of these must be necessary eliminable. Likewise for the grand slam there will be only one loser that must be eliminated but all suits must have a first round control. For this purpose the sequences such as Ace vs void, Ace / King stiff vs King / Ace x (doubleton), Kx vs AQx, up to a suit to be easily stabilized, where the long part of the sequence is opposite to the loser to be eliminated, are useful. It should be considered that if two suits are missing from the bidding where there are losers too this can mean that the points are concentrated in only two suits and, therefore, the slam should be avoided. Another point of attention if you have a sequence next to a loser to be eliminated which would therefore can be ineffective for the purpose.