For example, over a 6c Multi with a (not too weak) strong BAL option, once could (in theory) play something like
P: allowed (e.g. with xxx x Jxxxx Txxx or maybe AKx --- AJxxxx Qxxx)
2♥ = P/C w/ either 1- H or 2H3+S OR (optionally) INV w/ 5+H(2?)1-S
2♠ = P/C w/ 2-S2+H OR (optionally) INV(+?) w/ 5+S(2?)1-H
2N = relay, either 5+S4+H or INV+ (wrong-sides NT with 5S4H opposite 2S2-3H, unfortunately)
...3♣ = MAX Weak 2M OR BAL, unwilling to agree H opposite 5+S4H
......3♦ = GF relay
.........3OM = MAX 2M
............3N/4M = to play
.........3N(+) = BAL
......3♥ = was < INV, 5+S4H (no danger of wrong-siding H)
.........3♠ = BAL, 3-5 S (agrees S)
.........3N = BAL, 2S2-3H
.........4M = Weak 2M
......3♠ = ?
......3N = was < INV, 5+S5+H
.........4M-2 = BAL, agrees M
............4M-1 = right-siding puppet to 4M
.........4M = Weak 2M
...3M-1 = MIN Weak 2M
......3M/3N/4M = to play
...3♠+ = BAL, 4-5 H (agrees H)
......4♦ = right-siding puppet to 4♥
3♣ = < INV, either 3-4S3H or 4S4H
...3♦ = BAL, 4 M
......3♥ = 4S3H
.........3♠ = 4 S (agrees S)
.........3N = 4H3-S
......3♠ = 3S3H (right-siding puppet to 3N)
......3N = 4S4H, NF
.........4M-2 = 4 M
............4M-1 = right-siding puppet to 4M
...3M = Weak 2M
...3N = BAL, no major
...4M-2 = BAL, 5 M
......4M-1 = right-siding puppet to 4M
3♦ = < INV, 5+H3-4S
...3♥ = BAL, either 3-5 H or 4 S
......3♠ = 5+H3S
.........3N = 4S2H
.........4♣+ = 3-5 H (agrees H)
......3N = 5+H4S (F)
...3♠ = Weak 2♠
...3N = BAL, 2(3)H2-3S
...4♣ = BAL, 5S2H (agrees S)
......4♥ = right-siding puppet to 4♠
3♥ = < INV, 5+S3H
...P = Weak 2♥
...3♠ = BAL, 3-5 S
...3N = BAL, 2(3)S2-4H
...4♣ = BAL, 5H2S (agrees H)
3♠ = < INV, 4H3S
...3N = BAL, 2-4S2-3H
...4♣ = BAL, 4-5 H (agrees H)
......4♦ = right-siding puppet to 4♥
...4♦ = BAL, 5 S (agrees S)
...4♥ = Weak 2♥
3N+: as in more standard Multi 2♦ structures, perhaps gambling that Opener doesn't have the strong BAL option
(I will correct errors when I find them. Note that the 3♣ and 3R responses bear some resemblance to Puppet Stayman and Jacoby transfers, respectively.)
I'm sure structures that are both simpler and more effective are possible.
This post has been edited by nullve: 2023-March-31, 03:54