Posted 2023-May-25, 08:43
Count the points.
West has made a weak 2 overcall in hearts. So I would expect West to have nominally the AK of hearts. But then East shows up with the king and jack of hearts. So West has only the ace in that suit. But we will expect West to have something like 7-9 points, maybe 10, I doubt as few as 6, since they are vulnerable.
What honors are missing outside of hearts? There are no diamond honors missing. The opps have the AK in spades, and the club king. That is all. So since I am pretty sure West has one of the missing honors just for the overcall, it is either the ace or king of spades, or the club king.
What does East have in points? East surely has at least one of the spade honors. And East is likely to have 5 and more likely 6 spades for the free bid in spades, the odds are better that East has both spade honors, than that East has the club king for the free bid taken.
However, in all of this analysis there is a second HIGHLY important fact you all need to remember about bot BEST HAND games. And this completely overrides everything else. Remember that you ALWAYS have the best hand at the table. No other hand can have more points than you, but they may have the same count. And this is something adhered to by BBO. It is not a bidding decision for the bots to make. What does this imply?
1. When you have 10 points, the distribution of points is EXACTLY 10-10-10-10.
2. When you have 11 points, If two of the other hands have 11 also, then the 4th hand has 7 points. This allows you to conclude that the other three hands have between 7 and 11 points. ALWAYS.
3. When you have 12 points, If two of the other hands have 12 also, then the 4th hand has 4 points. This allows you to conclude that the other three hands have between 4 and 12 points. ALWAYS.
4. When you have 13 points, If two of the other hands have 13 also, then the 4th hand has 1 point. This allows you to conclude that the other three hands have between 1 and 13 points. ALWAYS.
5. If you have 14+ points, then each of the other hands has between 0 and the count you hold.
The above applies to HCP, not total points, and it is a rule strictly adhered to in best hand games.
What does that tell you? South has 11 points. Therefore West has between 7 and 11 points, as do East and North. Since West has only the heart ace on the play of the first two tricks, you absolutely, 100% know that West has one other top honor.
That leaves West as the most likely person to hold the club king. But if West does have the club king, you cannot afford to take a club finesse since West has running hearts. And so that drives you to the conclusion that the only play for game it to just cash the club ace and pray. If the king does not drop stiff, then you cash your 8 tricks and go home.
If the field did not find this play, that just suggests the field is a normal field in these games. The normal fields playing bot games do not count points, and they likely do not appreciate the rules I stated above.