I was surprised to see a player taking 12 tricks in 3N
With JT96 over 875, there is no reason to use the 9, but I assume BEN is just seeing the 6 as a small card
But much worse is trick 4.
Yes, it might assume declarer has the King (or Queen), but still the 6 is a noplay.
Let us see what happens at the next board.
The lead seems fine, but when West wins the ♥K, West did not play ♦K, but switched to a ♠, and the errors continue as East play the Ace and continue ♠s
OK, one player managed 9 tricks after this defence
Here declarer played ♣A first, so now West did continue ♦, and note this time East did play the Jack, and continued ♦. West did not cash the 4th ♦, but switched to a ♥
And finally the way to go 2 down