Contract went down 7 times. Why does North jump to 6♠ after my X instead of showing both minors? We make 7♦ here (or 6 if the ♣ finesse wasn't working). North could already have shown minors directly over the weak two, its hand is a lot stronger than 10 HCP suggest. Also, why does east not X the 6♠ with three to four trump tricks?
Even with a typical takeout distribution in South, there would only be a 4-3 fit in ♠, and with that wild distribution, it is unlikely that the missing spades are 3-3 with the opponents.
Contract went down twice. I bid X because I wanted to show a strong overcall in ♥ after partner's reply, but was forced to bid 3♣ first for Lebensohl. Why does the robot 1) go for a Lebensohl in the first place with two atrocious 4-card minors? Just bid 3♣ with that hand and pass partner's bid unless it's a forcing. Why does it not pass my 3♣ reply when clubs is their better suit? And, most importantly, why does it deny a ♥ fit after I had shown that my hand was not a typical takeout, but rather the super-strong overcall in ♥, and instead bid 4♣, again with an atrocious 4-card suit?
Again, I double to show a super-strong overcall. But due to the opponents' bidding I can't bid my suit at a lower level, so I have to bid 5♦, now with a preemptive character. Might have been better on my side to bid 2♦ directly. Anyways, somehow the robot in N thinks its hand is good enough to freely bid 3♥?! Yeah, I might have four hearts too for a fit, but that is not given. And the north hand is simply too weak, especially opposite a typical takeout hand with a 1444 or similar distribution and around 12 HCP. But what really must have come from the moon is the 5♥ bid. My 5♦ bid showed a strong one-suiter in that suit, too strong for a direct overcall. There is no ♥ fit... just let me play the 5♦X for two down, a better score than the opponents making their game...
In addition to these atrocities, there are lots of "milder" cases of obvious bidding bugs/errors with robots, such as passing a partner's transfer accept after an 1NT opening with 8 HCP and a good 6-card suit. Oh, and there is a whole other can of worms, that is defending. I have a feeling my signals are meaningless to these robots...