Posted 2013-March-10, 05:12
For me, cuebidding over 3♠ is not mandatory, so we have already announced some slam interest. (I think that most people would be able to infer that 1♥-2♣-2♦-3♥-3♠-4♥ would contain a cue in clubs, assuming a balanced GF with three hearts can bid 2♥ and J2N with four hearts.) As a result, I feel I have shown enough by far, given that at least one of our less important honours (♠K, either minor queen) is certainly not working and often two won't be. It is far more likely for trumps to be the issue. When partner has both rounded aces and good enough trumps for slam to be playable, he will move over my 4♥ sign off. Even a hand as huge as A, KJxxx, AKJx, Jxx (for me he would have RKCB'd with this a round ago) is an anti-percentage 6♥ (and will you really be in a position to convert to a 50% 6NT?) Just because partner might RKCB over 4♠ and bail out in 5♥, that doesn't mean you should be sloppy and make another slam try on this mud. If you happen to play kickback or 3041 then you'll get what you deserve for your second slam try -- partner won't be able to kickback, he won't be able to ask for the ♥Q, he will play you for a better hand, and he will bid a frequently poor slam.
Cyberyeti's Axx, KQJxx, AJxx, x is a hand on which I would move again: x, ATxx, xx, Axxxxx is enough for a 50% slam and this is already a lot of bidding by responder. (Yes the ♥T is cherry-picked but so is the ♥J.) Even our actual hand without the ♠K has a shot at making slam opposite this construction, and we would only get to the five level (and even then only because of what would have been a fatuous 4♣ cuebid). The issues I have are that we have already shown our hand, that the perfect minimum doesn't produce a slam, and some maximums give us at best a 50% shot at slam in hearts. Making another slam try seems too aggressive IMO.