mikeh, on 2014-June-23, 14:20, said:
The flaw in your argument is that 4N is usually played as a 2-suited takeout. Everything works well if partner bids 5♣ because with the reds you'd bid 5♦ and thus 5♥ could be natural. However, if partner is, for example, 3=3=4=3, he may well bid 5♦, since he is as happy in hearts as in clubs and happiest in diamonds if you hold that suit. Now 5♥ by you shows hearts and clubs.
You cannot assign a meaning to your 4N call just because on this hand you'd like it to have that meaning...not unless you are playing 'adjective bridge'.
I understand that you are saying 4n does not automatically have the meaning I assign to it just because I have an idea and
think the rest of the world will automatically understand it----that is why I tried to spell out the meaning of all of the
"meanings" to try and provide a wider alternative/utility to a hand where our choices are pretty darn limited due to the
preempt-------If you like the idea overall it may become something you like to use who knows?
I almost always like your arguments but I hope you would not really consider bidding 5d with such a holding since you might be arbitrarily creating extra bidding problems by bypassing 5c that might lead to further bidding problems in the small/grand
slam arena when p assumes you are short in clubs since there is an extremely good chance p might find a 63 club fit better
than a 53 heart fit (for ex). I will admit though that if I were 2443 I would probably bid 5d since I would be assured of
at least a 9 card 54 fit no matter what p was holding and I doubt that my p would be overly upset with any 56 hand they might
happen to hold even if they managed to get 1 level too high (by bidding 6h for ex and losing a club) preempts work.
Since we are at unfavorable (original post for this problem) we should be bidding to make. It makes some sense to keep the dual meaning of 4n available at other vulnerabilities when sacrificing is probably the main reason for bidding. At those colors I will be happier to extend the range of x in order to cater to the preemptive probabilities but not at unfavorable.
One has to decide which has more utility--a bid that might force partner to bid a suit they have already bypassed (and in theory short) one level higher or a bid that creates a wider array of options for your best scoring contract within the limited space provided. My idea is that most of this is guesswork anyway so saying my hand is worth specifically 11 tricks when I am 55 and never worth anything more (especially in light of the fact that we now "know" p will be able to ruff club losers) does not seem to make sense. This should mean the 5h bid (after 4n) should be available after both 5c and 5d as a 10/11 trick 1 suited hand since once p bypasses 5c any 55 hand we held would almost surely improve significantly either due to
the ability to ruff club losers and/or the increased probability of a large heart fit and become "slammish".