Partner leads the A of a suit and dummy puts down Qx. We play ace leads ask for reverse attitude, king for reverse count, so his lead is consistent with any plausible ace-headed holding from 3-5 cards (we rarely open 1N with 6-card minors).
What is the minimum club holding/in what circumstances would you encourage given the facts about the club suit? Ie can you make a general statement about how many clubs/what sort of club suit quality you need? Or is it more contextual? And in which case can you eg describe adjusted versions of the layout given below where you'd mark the boundary - ie give two similar hands on one of which you'd encourage, on one of which you'd discourage?
(ETA Assume scoring is IMPs, and discount hands where you can prove one way or the other that a switch/continuation is needed to beat/give any chance of beating the contract - I'm interested in rules of thumb)