Cyberyeti, on 2021-August-14, 13:19, said:
So what do you do with a 1453 15-16 without enough high hearts to want to penalise 2♥ ? Say x, Q432, AQJxx, AKx
Let me make sure I understand your point.
I hold 15-16 hcp. I have one heart stopper. I have a misfit with partner. I expect to go down in anything we bid over 2H if partner has a normal minimum response and lacks good support for my first suit.
So with that in mind, I’m wondering what I should do?
Of course, if one is the type of player who views bridge as a form of solitaire, where one makes all the partnership decisions, one can do whatever one wants, but one is wasting ones time trying to play a partnership game without allowing partner to participate.
If we can defeat 2H then, while not guaranteed, partner will often be able to reopen with a double. If we can make a partial in my suit, partner can often bid it. If we belong in spades despite our shortness, partner can bid it. If we belong in some game contract, guess what…you got it…partner will bid something
Meanwhile, shocker alert, when we hold 15-16 hcp with no fit and soft cards in their suit, sometimes our best result is letting the opps play the hand.
And, of course, even if one wants to be able to ‘do something’ with that misfitting 16 count (perhaps because one can’t stand to utter the magic word…pass), using 2N to say ‘ we’re heading for a minus unless you have significant extras’ is not only somewhat bizarre, as a bidding method, but also means you have to start doing other bizarre things when you have an actual 2N bid.
Finally, trying to get magic results on every hand dooms one to getting a lot of completely unnecessary bad results. Most players who hate to pass remember all the good results from overbidding….many of which good results would have been obtained anyway since the aggressive action only ‘worked’ because partner had enough extras that he’d have reopened….while forgetting the bad boards.
The bad boards are not merely those where the aggressive action failed but also other boards where partner remembered one’s tendencies. So partner either doesn’t reopen, because he’s convinced you’d have done your usual overbid, or pulls back after your bid, when you actually has your values, and so on.
Bridge players usually remember the good results, and most bridge players don’t have good partnerships, so all too many mastermind. And the best way to ensure that one never develops a good partnership is to consistently mastermind.
One cannot and never should try to get the ‘best possible result’ on every hand. Instead, bearing in mind that bridge is a partnership game and one should stay within one’s methods, try to get the best result possible…which is not always the best possible result
Anyone here consistently win team matches with the opps scoring zero imps? Or consistently have mp sessions with no below average boards? Me neither…and I’m ok with that. I don’t need to win on every board…and that attitude allows me to win far more often than if I were always trying to win on every hand.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari